A seasoned architect with over 30 years of proven experience in Architectural Design of Commercial as well as Residential projects.
Was Managing Director of a successful architects practice in England from 1999 to 2013.
Expertise in General Construction, Project Management, Supervision, dealing with Clients-Contractors, Sourcing Resources and dealing with various officials for Permits.
Possess excellent interpersonal skills, a professional attitude, and firm personality to see tough jobs through independently or as a team member.
Professional Experience
2021 - Freelance Architect, Berlin
2020 - 2021 - Cells Group, Berlin
Project Manager - landmark multi-use development
2016 - 2020 - GWG Munich
Project Manager - various Social Housing Projects
2015 - 2016 - Freelance Architect, Munich
2013 - 2015 - BMW PLC, Munich
Project Manager for Architecture and Building Projects
1999 - 2013 - WS Architects, Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom
Managing Director
1997 - 1999 - Matthews & Goodman, London, United Kingdom
Project Architect
1996 - 1997 - John Seifert Architects, London, United Kingdom
Project Architect
1994 - 1996 - Georg Mittl, Architekten, Breisach am Rhein
Project Architect
1992 - 1994 - Professor Gerd Heene Architekten, Ludwigshafen
1999 - Registered Architect - United Kingdom
1998 - RIBA Professional Practice
South Bank University
1993 - Registered Architect - Germany
1988 - 1990 - Graduate Diploma Architecture
Huddersfield Polytechnic
1984 - 1987 - BA (Hons) Architecture
Plymouth Polytechnic
1982 - 1984 - Further Education
West Kent College of Further Education
1977 – 1982 - Secondary Education
Tnbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys
Ausgebildeter Architekt mit 30 Jahren Berufserfahrung in kommerziellen und privaten Geschäfts- bzw. Wohnungsbau.
War zwischen 1999 und 2013 Inhaber eines erfolgreichen Architekturbüros in England.
Unterschiedlichste Erfahrungen in der Unternehmensentwicklung (Akquise, Personal, Marketing, Branding usw.) Bauausführung, Projekt-Management, Umgang mit diversen Bauunternehmen, lokalen Behörden, usw.
Interpersonelle Fähigkeiten, professionelle Vorgehensweise und starke Persönlichkeit, die auch schwierige Aufgaben sowohl selbstständig als auch im Team bewerkstelligt.
2021 - freiberuflicher Architekt, Berlin
2020 - 2021 - Cells Group, Berlin
Projektleiter - Prestige Großbau-Projekt
2016 - 2020 - GWG München
Projektleiter - verschiedene Sozialwohnungsbau-Projekte
2015 - 2016 - freiberuflicher Architekt, München
2013 - 2015 - BMW AG, München
Projektleiter für Architektur und Bauprojekte
1999 - 2013 - WS Architects, Tunbridge Wells, GB
1997 - 1999 - Matthews & Goodman, London, GB
Project Architect
1996 - 1997 - John Seifert Architects, London, GB
1994 - 1996 - Georg Mittl, Architekten, Breisach am Rhein
1992 - 1994 - Professor Gerd Heene Architekten, Ludwigshafen
1999 - Registered Architect - Großbritanien
1998 - RIBA Professional Practice
South Bank University
1993 - Eintragung in der Architektenkammer
1988 - 1990 - Graduate Diploma Architecture
Huddersfield Polytechnic
1984 - 1987 - BA (Hons) Architecture
Plymouth Polytechnic
1982 - 1984 - Further Education
West Kent College of Further Education
1977 – 1982 - Secondary Education
Tnbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys
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